Level UP 4 YOUth

what happened so far .. a report of one of the participants.

From 19th to 30th August 2022 there was a Project that is named Level Up 4 Youth in Austria. Kinderfreunde was the host of this project and we want to share our experience. We were 27 participants and 11 leaders from 6 different countries. There were people from Romania, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Hungary and Austria. 

In this 12 days we had lots of fun, especially when we went to the lake. We made new friends and learned some new things about human rights, mental health, addictions, cultures from other countries and many other things were we had workshops about.

The best time was the Open Space. There were more workshops at the same time and we could decide in which we want to go and we could also change the workshop. In the workshops we talked about the theme and we said everithing we wanted and no one judged us. At one day we could change if we want to go to the Workshop about eating disorders or toxic friendships & relationships.

For us it was the best decision to come here because we had lots of fun and learned many new things. If you want to learn more about Kinderfreunde, check out the website.